After a very relaxing trip to Williamsburg, I've discovered some design ideas.
For one, matte flooring must've been a hit in the 18th century. After touring numerous shops and buildings in Colonial Williamsburg, I noticed a theme. All of the floors were unfinished. From the quaint wig shop to the palace. Fantastic inlayed wood, and yet still unfinished! I thought this was interesting and in its own right, beautiful.
Another thing, the textiles of the time were absolutely spectacular. I wish I had pictures of the rugs. I do however have pictures of the wallpaper in the Coffeehouse which I'd love to duplicate in my own home:
The fireplace in the picture leads me to my next point. There is no better warmth than that coming from a wood burning fireplace. My husband has been wanting one for a long time. If we ever finish the attic, this will become a must have.
Some inspiring facades:
I may be in love with this last house here. It's small, and seemingly not a single family house but it is simplistic and the colors are great. And with the white picket fence, how can you go wrong?
The final thing I learned while on this trip was how important it is to make your home homey. It need not be fancy, but it must feel lived in. That's what made us love our childhood homes, isn't it?
It's gorgeous isn't it? I think my husband has sketched almost all those houses.